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File.Al Premium About File upload site is the best quality cloud system on the market.

The easy way to securely store, manage and share your files on any platform Access your files, movies, music wherever you go. offers the possibility of downloading and uploading files at gigabit speeds., It is possible to upload data to the site using your browser or remote upload or file transfer via FTP.

does its work with super quality.

File.Al Unregistered Users

There is no maximum file upload size allowed and 1GB download per day is allowed.

Uploaded files will be deleted 45 days after the last download. And most importantly, No Ads.

They are deprived of all the features below.

File.Al Registered Users

File.AL gives 10GB file upload size to registered users, storage is 1TB and download volume is 5GB per day.

Remote Url upload possibility, No ads

Finally, your files will be deleted 90 days after the last download.

File.Al Premium Users

Such users are given a 50 GB file upload size, the storage is unlimited and the download volume is 30 GB per day.

Remote URL upload possibility,

Download Accelerators support,

Downloads resume support,

No download lag

No download captcha,

No ads

Finally, your files will be deleted 90 days after the last download.

Get the advantages of premium-account now!

100% Safe And Secured Payment

File Al There are many methods of payment variety. and it is 100% Safe.

Want test our Premium Speed before purchasing? Download a test file (100 Mb)
