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Racaty.net Free file video download


Racaty Upload and transfer large files with unlimited storage for free with/without registration. ...

Share your uploaded files and earn money.

You can search for the files you shared here.

Download Racaty.net videos for free.

You can search in Racaty.net file format avi, mp4, mp3, mkv, wmv, xvid, x264, x264 download videos for free.

Racaty is simple and smart. The ultimate way to secure files in the cloud all the way from your computer to the people you share them with, work with your team without worrying about losing files.

Track & manage files

Upload upto 10GB per file

Password protection

Archive manager

Unlimited storage

Unlimited traffic

No download limits


Direct downloads

Remote upload

No downloads delays

Files kept forever

Resumeable downloads

Parallel downloading

Unlimited transfer quota

High speed download

Sell your files as you desire

Can I search for files uploaded to Racaty.net by others?

Normally Not Shared – No . EVE if the Uploader Shares and shares on their website. Not everyone wants to share their uploaded files with others. In this way, Racaty can be used to share files with whomever you want, and also to keep them to yourself as a backup or download from anywhere in the world.
